Garlic Soup...

If your mood is anything like mine on this blustery, cold January day you probably don't want to venture outside and would much rather curl up on the couch with a steaming bowl of soup and a good book. While I will still be braving the cold to teach yoga today, many of you likely have the day off of work and the time to cook so I thought it fitting to write about my new favorite go-to soup recipe for you to try out.

When I first saw the Martha Rose Shulman's Garlic Soup recipe and article in the NY Times back in September I was skeptical but intrigued. On the one hand I really, really love garlic but on the other hand I was unconvinced that boiling mostly just garlic in water could yield a tasty soup. I fought my instinct to change a lot about the recipe when making it for the first time - I especially resisted my urge to use broth instead of water. Just the notion of the dish took me back to my glorious time in Paris this summer when I savored a garlic soup that made me realize even the simplest foods in France are somehow deliciously complex.

I made my first batch in September for my cooking club with my favorite gluten-free pasta from Trader Joe's (it is a fusilli made of a blend of quinoa and brown rice) and some kale from the farmer's market - that version is pictured at the bottom of the post. It was a huge hit with the group and the leftovers at home were gone before I could even blink. Since then I have tried out a few different successful variations and I really appreciate that the soup is inexpensive, simple, filling, and easily adaptable to what you happen to have on hand (this relates to both pantry items and what veggies are currently in season). Recently I made a batch with mushrooms and gluten-free rice ramen noodles that served up four deeply hearty, warming portions - that is the image at the top of the post. All of the variations have been surprisingly flavorful and satisfying. I do always seem to cook the soup longer with more garlic and more water than indicated but that may just be my tendency and not actually necessary. If you whip up a batch do let me know how it goes...

Garlic Soup Recipe

Garlic Soup

I hope you enjoy this recipe!

After this week I will be shifting to posts every other week with the occasional extra. Do let me know if you have any questions or requests. I look forward to hearing from you!

Julia xo